Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Many people travel to Indonesia enter through Jakarta, which immediately makes you think to travel out of the noisy and chaotic city. Just 60 km south of Jakarta, or take about one hour by road lies the town of Bogor, known as "Buitenzorg" meaning "free of care". The town was the capital of Indonesia during the brief British occupation, now became the popular place for Jakarta people to spend the weekend/holiday for a cooling hideaway. Located at the base of Mt. Salak in West Java, and 290 m above sea level. The town noticeably has a much cooler climate compared to Jakarta with a high year-round rainfall. Bogor's epithet is Kota Hujan meaning "The city of Rain". It is the rainiest city on Java, because it will tend to rain in the evening with overcast clouds threatening most of the times.

Puncak Bogor
Puncak Bogor


Bogor is a place of beauty, relaxed place due to the town was constructed with an enormous botanical garden, named Bogor Botanical Gardens "Kebon Raya Bogor" at its core. The garden is the largest attraction in town, covering an area of over 80 hectares with over 400 species of palm trees, 5,000 trees gathered from around the tropical world. The garden is one of the oldest in all of Asia, has a rare glimpse at some 17,000 different species of local plants. There are also an orchid house containing 3,000 varieties, 3,500 plant species, 1,273 genus in 199 families, and Bogor Zoological Museum on Jalan Juanda, you can find the giant skeleton of a blue whale, stuffed rhinoceros, almost half a million specimens of more than 15,000 species. Located at the northwest of Botanical Gardens, stand the impressive Bogor Presidential Palace in the beautiful lawn.

Bogor Presidential Palace
Bogor Presidential Palace

Another place also worth visiting is the Astrid Avenuem a twin road decorated with Agathis dammara trees, red and yellow Canna hybrida with black leaves, showing some resemblance with the colors of Belgian Flag. The avenue was actually named in honor of Princess Astrid of Belgium who visited the garden in 1928. For those who are not afraid of heights, the hanging bridge over Ciliwung river could be the next destination. You can enjoy the sound of gushing water of the river current. Bogor Botanical Garden is visited more than one million people annually, a refreshing and educational place to experience fostering appreciation for the natural biodiversity.
Bogor Botanical Garden
Bogor Botanical Garden

Puncak Bogor
Puncak Bogor

From Bogor the road climbs up passing picturesque mountain resorts all the way to "Puncak Bogor", or the Peak. The Safari Park can be found while on the way to Puncak. Further beyond Puncak, before reach Cipanas is the Cibodas Park located at the foothills of Mt. Gede-Pangrango, laid out for the study of temperate plants where java coffee was originally cultivated. Cipanas is another place to enjoy hot water

springs in its garden. If you want to do the extraordinary thing, doing some tea picking can be a good choice. Some of the best tea is from Indonesia, and it can be found in Bogor. Bogor is a favorite place for Jakarta people to spend the weekends or short holiday, besides it is famous for many interesting destinations, Bogor is also famous for its "asinan", fresh fruit, apple pies, baked macaroni and vegetable sour salads. Such a pleasent place to escape from the bustling City Jakarta.

Asinan Bogor
Asinan Bogor

Bogor Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Sandra

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