Frequently Asked

Frequently asked

  1. Where is Indonesia located?
    Located in Southeastern Asia, the archipelago between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and between Asia and Australia continent.
  2. What are the geographical coordinates of Indonesia?
    The position of Indonesia is located at coordinates 6 ° North latitude – 11 ° south latitude and eastern longitude of 95 ° – 141 ° east longitude.
  3. How big is Indonesia?
    Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world to form a single state consists of five main islands (Sumatera, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, Papua), totalling about 17,500 islands. Indonesia also shares borders with Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines to the north and Australia to the south across narrow straits of water. At 1,919,440 square kilometers (741,050 sq mi), Indonesia is the world's 16th-largest country in terms of land area. Its national territory consists 84% of sea and 16% of land. The Indonesian sea area is four times larger than its land area, which is about 1.9 million sq km and the sea area is about 7.9 million sq km.
  4. What is the capital of Indonesia?
    Jakarta is capital city of Indonesia. The city serves as the center of Indonesia's national economic, political, and the provincial goverment. Covering an area of about 250 square miles make up Jakarta as one of the largest cities in Indonesia. You will surely find Jakarta as an dynamic city, the city that never sleeps just like a big apple called NYC (US).
  5. What are the ethnic groups in Indonesia?
    Indonesia has a diverse population from Sabang to Merauke. There are hundreds of ethnic groups in the country. The largest ethnic group is the Javanese; almost 45 % of the population belong to this group. The second-largest group is the Sundanese on the island of Java, 14 %. the third is Madurese and coastal Malays both are 15 %, the rest is other.
  6. What are the administrative divisions of Indonesia?
    Indonesia is divided into thirty-four provinces that are sub-divided into regencies and cities. The districts or regencies is the key administrative units responsible for providing most government services.
  7. What currency is used in Indonesia?
    IDR (Rupiah) is the official currency of Indonesia. It is controlled by the Bank of Indonesia, and the symbol of IDR IS (Rp).
  8. What is the official language of Indonesia?
     Indonesian is the officially recognized as national language of Indonesia. It is spoken majorly of the population and is used for education and any other business. But the most widely spoken indigenous language is Javanese.
  9. What is the religion in Indonesia?
    Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim-majority country in the world. There are still another religion that is existed and recognized in Indonesia such as; Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.
  10. What is the economy of Indonesia like?
    Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia, is one of the emerging market economies of the world, and newly industrialized country. As a member of the G-20 and a driving force within the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Indonesia plays a growing role in international economic policy discussions. Now, Indonesia is on its track to become the world's 7th-largest economy. Most international businesses and investors know that Indonesia boasts its substantial population and wealth of natural resources. So, To attract foreign capital, Indonesian Government provides certain incentives and several sectors are open to foreign investment.

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